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Marine Pedreni


Marine Pedreni studied psychology in France, in Brest and Chambéry. She obtained her Master's degree in Psychology, Neuropsychology, from the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc in June 2022. During her university training, she completed internships with adults, children and adolescents (assessment and rehabilitation in pediatric and psychiatric wards). In addition, Marine had the opportunity to do an end-of-studies internship in a Centre de Référence des Troubles des Apprentissages and in a Unité d'Évaluation Diagnostique du Trouble du Spectre de l'Autisme, which enabled her to gain autonomy and acquire complementary skills for the profession of neuropsychologist.

Born in Canada, Marine has always dreamed of returning to live there. Quebec was the obvious choice, and she settled there in 2022. Marine completed her equivalence procedure to obtain her neuropsychologist title with the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec, at CERC, from September 2022 to April 2023, under the supervision of Dr. Benoît Hammarrenger and Maxime Corric.

She conducts neuropsychological assessments of young people aged 3 to 17 with social, behavioral, attentional, psychoaffective and academic difficulties.

Marine has been an animal lover since she was very young, has been riding horses since she was 6 and is a keen nature walker.