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Margaux Quintric


Margaux Quintric completed her psychology studies in France (Brest, Paris) and Germany (Mannheim). She obtained her Master's degree in Psychology specializing in Neuropsychology from Université Paris Descartes in 2018 (clinical and research profile). During her training, she completed internships with adults (neuropsychological assessment in geriatrics, cognitive stimulation workshops), children and adolescents (pediatric ward, ADHD population, learning disorders). She completed her end-of-studies internship at Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, at the rare epilepsy reference center.

Margaux then specialized in the assessment and care of pre-school and school-age children with various pathologies (neurodevelopmental disorders, genetic pathologies) in the Centre d'Action Médico-Sociale Précoce. She also specialized in the diagnostic evaluation of Autism Spectrum Disorder, working for over two years in a multidisciplinary diagnostic support team (Le Havre). Thanks to these professional experiences, Margaux has met, assessed and helped a large number of children and adolescents (ASD, ADHD...) and their families.

With a view to deepening her knowledge and experience in child neuropsychology, Margaux is currently undergoing the equivalence procedure to obtain her neuropsychologist title from the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec. She joined the CERC team in July 2021, and is completing her internship under the supervision of Dr. Benoît Hammarrenger and Maxime Corric.

Margaux loves sport, nature and adventure.