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Loris Nicolau

Neuropsychology intern

Currently undergoing an equivalence procedure with the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec, Loris Nicolau completed his studies in France (Saint-Denis de La Réunion, Bordeaux), in clinical psychology with a specialization in neuropsychology. During her training, Loris completed various internships with children and adolescents, in child psychiatry and in centers specializing in learning disorders. His end-of-study internship also gave him the opportunity to work with young adults in psychiatry, as part of a mobile team.

With conviction, Loris specialized in child psychiatry, which has enabled him to support a variety of young people and their families with a wide range of issues (ADHD, ASD, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, sexual violence, gender dysphoria, suicide attempts...). He has also been able to offer and adjust his support within a team of talented professionals to best meet the needs of service users (discussion groups, social skills, interpersonal relations, assertiveness).

Curious and motivated to learn more, Loris joined the CERC team in February 2023. He completed his internship under the supervision of Deputy Director Maxime Corric.

Always with a smile on his face, Loris is passionate about video games and new technologies in general. He is sensitive to different art forms and particularly to music, which he sometimes sings at the top of his voice.